Sunday, November 28, 2010

Getting Ready for the First Show

Carolyn is in the process of getting Lola ready for the Richmond RBA show next weekend.  Filling out the paperwork was a bit confusing and thank goodness for being able to google a lot of unfamiliar rabbit terms.  Now we will cross our fingers and hope that it was done correctly.  Today, Carolyn will trim Lola's toe nails and begin a daily process of blowing out her fur.  We usually groom her on Sunday and take a slicker brush to her fur.  Lola loves to be groomed and doesn't mind laying on her back at all.  We don't have an expensive blower.  We will be using our own blow dryer on its cool setting - I had read an article( on the internet that this could be used in a pinch.  Well, whatever happens, we will enjoy a night in a hotel and the learning experience that goes along with the show.